I'm taking classes in both French and
Vietnamese at L'Institut Français
de Hanoi, which is housed in a building called L'Espace. I
originally wanted to take intensive classes that were three hours a
day, five days a week, after seeing that intensive classes were
offered, but after the placement test, which placed me at the upper
intermediate level, I found out that they do not offer intensive
classes at that level. It was a little bit of a disappointment, but
I decided that I would make up the time by doing as much side study
on my own as I can. I have been watching a lot of French language
television, as there is a TV station here that broadcasts solely in
French. Sometimes it has English subtitles as well. Occasionally it
will have French subtitles, but this seems to be strangely confined
only to shows that originate in Quebec. Also, I can check out movies
in French from the library at the Institut; I have a free borrowing
card that comes along with taking a class there. I try to watch a
movie a few times...the first time, I will utilize the subtitles (if
there are any; not all the movies have them) and just try to follow
the plot and catch any French I can. Subsequent times that I watch a
movie, I just try to fill in the gaps in the words that I did not
catch the first time.
right now I am taking the regular classes, which are 1½ hours a week
three times a week. One advantage is that they only cost a third of
the price of the intensive classes. Either way, the classes are
incredibly cheap. The intensive classes would have been around three
hundred dollars for seven weeks, and the regular classes are costing
me about a hundred dollars for the same length of time. Since I
could not get intensive classes, I decided to try learning the
Vietnamese language as well. They teach Vietnamese there, but the
classes are taught in French. I figured that would be an opportunity
for me to reinforce my French as well. And, besides, most of the
class is in Vietnamese anyway, and it is only every once in a while
that the teacher will explain something in French.
the French class was scheduled for Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, and
the Vietnamese class was supposed to be Tuesday and Thursday. But a
few days before the classes started, they moved the Vietnamese class
to Monday and Friday. The advantage is that I only have to go to
that end of town three times a week. The disadvantage is that I'm
more burned out and probably would have had more alertness in class
if I was starting fresh. But it is not that bad.
is a completely different demographic in each of the two classes.
The French class is populated with mostly young Vietnamese people,
mostly around college age. The only foreign students are a German
guy and me. In the Vietnamese class, everybody there except for me
is originally from France, and they trend probably a generation older
than those in the other class. Some of them have been in Vietnam for
quite a while and it is evident that some of them have had a good
deal of exposure already to the Vietnamese language, as there are a
few who are able to make it through the class discussions much easier
than others, and know many words beyond the ones we are covering.
The textbook is kind of crappy. It does not have any vocabulary at
all, and has a lot of exercises in it at the end of each chapter that
call for words that have never been discussed in the lessons.
Fortunately, the teacher gives out a lot of handouts and provides a
lot of in-class material to fill the gaps in this sucky textbook.
haven't studied Vietnamese for long, but I've made a few observations
about what I have seen so far of the language. The vast majority of
the words in Vietnamese are monosyllabic. I've been not only looking
at the material we are covering, but also trying to look over signs
and postings of regulations and such in public places. Sometimes
there will be an imported foreign word that has more than one
syllable. For example, I saw the word “carrageenan” on a list of
ingredients (ha, this word isn't in my spellcheck either, and gives
me “Narragansett” as the supposedly correct alternative). Also,
verbs are never conjugated (at least from what we have covered so far
and what I have curiously looked up online). A verb will not change
at all between different persons, and for different tenses, there may
be a helper word that is added to convey the different tense. There
are accent marks for letters, and accent marks for words that convey
the tone assigned to the word. There are six different tones that a
word can have, and it can be difficult to figure out in the rapidity
of a conversation which one to apply. Tonal languages are supposed
to be difficult for westerners, and I can see why. The tone you
impart to a word can often completely change the meaning of the word,
but I have heard that when a westerner who is struggling with the
language is speaking, a Vietnamese person can often compensate for
their incorrect tone and understand what they are saying because of
the context. The rising tone is a little bit like the rise in
intonation you might add at the end of a question in English (and
other languages) to differentiate it from a statement, but more
understated, and much faster. Since a rising tone conveys meaning in
a word, it means that Vietnamese do not rise their tone at the end of
a sentence to denote a question. Keep in mind that these are just
initial observations, and I could be wrong about any of this stuff or
applying it in the wrong context; if you know otherwise, feel free to
correct me in the comments. I am definitely no expert on the language
and it is a struggle to learn it.
I started learning Polish, it seemed to me that words in that
language were really difficult to learn. And new words in Polish can
still be difficult for me unless they spring from some root that I am
familiar with, and/or utilize some rule that I am aware of to denote
the correct part of speech. For some reason, verbs seemed even
harder than other parts of speech; at least verbs beyond the initial
few that one uses all that time. Probably one of the reasons verbs
are so hard is that they don't denote a thing and therefore are
harder to visualize. I think part of the struggle is that Slavic
roots are so foreign to a Germanic/Romance language model, but you
still might encounter something vaguely familiar occasionally.
Vietnamese is a whole different ball of wax. You are never going to
encounter anything familiar except for words that have been imported
wholesale. And all these monosyllabic words with strict tonal
guidelines look similar and are incredibly hard to memorize and keep
distinct...particularly when there are words that are spelled the
same but have different tonal or letter accents.
my French class, we have two regular teachers. One is a middle-aged
Vietnamese woman who comes in on Mondays, and the other is a younger
French woman who teaches on Wednesdays and Fridays. There was
another woman who substituted once. It is good to have the two
perspectives on teaching as each teacher emphasizes different
things. The Monday teacher seems to hew very closely to the textbook
and seems to be more interested in details, while the other teacher
tends to just kind of go with the flow and seems to be more
expansive. Both of the teachers seem very knowledgeable and
On a side note, it has been raining a lot the last couple of days. I know it is still the rainy season, which supposedly lasts through November, but it has not been raining much the last couple of weeks. Now suddenly the rain has ramped up somewhat. I am sitting in my apartment watching it pour rain outside from the window of my apartment. It usually doesn't rain for very long, but the rain comes off and on throughout the day. I don't think it gets very cold in Hanoi in the wintertime, but it may get down to slightly cool temperatures. But by winter, I'll probably be moving again, checking out my next destinations.
On a side note, it has been raining a lot the last couple of days. I know it is still the rainy season, which supposedly lasts through November, but it has not been raining much the last couple of weeks. Now suddenly the rain has ramped up somewhat. I am sitting in my apartment watching it pour rain outside from the window of my apartment. It usually doesn't rain for very long, but the rain comes off and on throughout the day. I don't think it gets very cold in Hanoi in the wintertime, but it may get down to slightly cool temperatures. But by winter, I'll probably be moving again, checking out my next destinations.